Cambridge Punts

Cambridge Punts
Punts moored by the Mill Pond early one morning. The most inefficient way to travel the Cam.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Exam Marking

Deep in the middle of marking undergraduate exam essays. This can be quite challenging, particularly when the hand-writing is difficult to read. Students are told to write legibly and "those who do not may find themselves at a grave disadvantage". Students will not actually lose marks if an examiner cannot read their writing but they may not gain marks either. Examiners are only human after all, and if they cannot read a particular word, how can you get a mark for it? Examiners have a large number of essays to read through in a short period of time and those that can be easily read are more likely to acquire the marks in they make the appropriate points.  Examples of the wide range of handwriting styles are shown.